科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,B030802 ,2016/01-2019/12,参与。 2、****药业公司,横向,2015.8-2020.8,主持。 3、 山东省自然科学基金重点项目,ZR2013HZ004,2013/10-2016/10,参与。 4、山东省自然科学基金项目,ZR2013BM008,2013/12-2016/12,参与。 5、山东省中青年科学家科研奖励基金,2009BSD01587,2009/12-2012/12,主持。 代表性论文: 1) Yang, Qian-Wen;Li, Qiao; Zhang, Jie; Xu, Qian;Yang, Xin*; Li, Zhi-Yong ; Xu, Hui*; Crystal structure and anti-inflammatory and anaphylactic effects of andrographlide sulphonate E in Xiyanping, a traditional Chinese medicine injection,Journal Of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2019,71(2): 251-259 2) Wenbo Dong, Xin Yang*, Jianbo Cheng, Wenzuo Li, Qingzhong Li*, Comparison for σ-hole and π-hole tetrel-bonded complexes involving F2C=CFTF3 (T=C, Si, and Ge): Substitution, hybridization, and solvation effects, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2018, 207: 38–44. 3) Wenbo Dong, Yanqing Wang,Xin Yang*, Jianbo Cheng, Wenzuo Li, Qingzhong Li*Dual function of the boron center of BH(CO)2 /BH(N2)2in halogen and triel-bonded complexes with hypervalent halogens,Journ al of Molecular Graphics and Modelling,2018,8, 4) Xin Yang*,Jiang Li,Yawei Hou,Shenyi Shi,Yongkui Shan*,Crystal Structure of the Tunnel-like Supramolecular Complex: Methylviologen(2+) Octaaquaoxalato diiron(II) Disulfate,J Chem Crystallogr,2009,39:117–121 5) Xin Yang*, Jianbo Cheng, Qingzhong Li*, Wenzuo Li, A new interaction mechanism of LiNH2 with MgH2: magnesium bond, Journal of Molecular Modeling,2013, 19( 1): 247–253 |